Bakamen Odori (“Funny Mask Dance”) 船橋「ばか面踊り」
Funabashi’s traditional performing arts
Minatomachi and Honcho, parts of Funabashi, were called Ryoshimachi, or a Fisherman’s Town, in the past. For about 10 years since 1887, this town was riddled with illness, accidents at sea, and poor catch. In praying for good health, fishing success, and sea safety, they dedicated the Mikoshi (or portable Shrine) to the Funabashi Daijingū Shrine and Yatsurugi Shrine in the summer festival and danced Bakamen Odori.
Four types of masks and movements:
- Okame — A smiling woman waiting for her husband to return from fishing, accompanied by gentle, quiet, and slow walking
- Hyottoko — A disgruntled man who could not go fishing due to bad weather crouches and walks with big strides
- Warai — A laughing mask, happy from a big catch
- Okori — An angry face because fish cannot be caught
Hanayagi Mioran 花柳美桜蘭
Japanese classical dance, Hanayagi-ryu
Hanayagi Mioran started studying Japanese dance in 2010 from the master of the Hanayagi school of Japanese dance and was given the stage name of Hanayagi Mioran in 2018. She will perform “Sakura Sakura” to celebrate the Cherry Blossom Festival.
2010年 花柳流 師範 花柳美桜世氏に師事する。 2018年 花柳美桜蘭の名を頂き、日々 芸事に励んでいる。 今回の舞台では 桜祭りにちなんで「さくらさくら」を 情緒深く舞います。
Hanayagi Miosa 花柳美桜沙
Japanese classical dance, Hanayagi-ryu
Hanayagi Miosa started studying Hanayagi dance in 2008 from the master of the Hanayagi school of Japanese dance. She was promoted to accredited master in 2012 and started performing internationally in Sao Paulo and Romania. She will perform, “Fuji Musume,” a fairy of wisteria flower, expressing a woman in love.
Japanese Style Performance WAWAWA (Kimono Kitsuke Mai) JSP・WAWAWA 着物着付け舞
Wearing kimono to music, dance
Yuki Kondo and Yasuko Onari will don hakama to music and change into
La Sakura Ladies ラサクラレディース
Women’s chorus group
Our repertoire includes Japanese popular songs from the genre’s “golden age” of the
日本の歌謡曲の黄金時代の70~80年代の曲、J-POP、懐かしい日本の歌、アメリカのポップスを歌っています。 日本の歌、世界の歌を歌って国際親善に貢献することを目指しております。そして中高年が元気に楽しく過ごせるようにエールも送っていきたいと思います。 グループ結成間もない2015年にこのサンフランシスコの桜祭りの舞台に立たせて頂き、今回4年ぶりに又こちらで歌わせて頂けることを嬉しく、光栄に思います。
Japanese calligraphy, art
RIHAKU creates a new type of Japanese calligraphy that uses not only ink but also incorporates color, such as acrylic paints. She presents the beauty of “Sho”, instant art, to the world and attempts to use more three-dimensional, active expressions. Even if the audience has no knowledge of Japanese characters, she wants this contemporary Japanese calligraphy to stimulate the senses of people across the world and reach their souls.
Yusui 友翠
Japanese calligraphy, art
Yusui started calligraphy at 5 years of age and was granted her calligraphy teaching license at 20. She holds many workshops in Japan and around the world, promoting calligraphy as a fun and accessible activity. She wants to be an ambassador of Japanese culture through her calligraphy.
5才より書道を学び20 才で師範取得。書道をもっと⾝近で楽しいものにと全国で書道ワークショップを開催中。⽇本の和の⽂化を⽇本の⼈にそして世界の⼈に伝える架け橋になりたいです。
Master Yanagiya Tozaburo III 柳家 東三楼
Rakugo, Japanese traditional comedy
Yanagiya Tozaburo III became a disciple of master Rakugo performer Yanagiya Gontaro III in 1999, and himself achieved the master “Shin’uchi” rank in 2014. In addition to performing classic works and appearing on television programs, Yanagiya Tozaburo III has adapted Rakugo stories into stage plays and vice versa. In 2010 he created a Rakugo version of Anton Chekhov’s “The Darling.” He was awarded the Agency for Cultural Affairs’ Arts Festival Newcomer Award in 2016.
1999年 三代目柳家権太楼に入門し、2014年真打昇進と同時に「三代目・東三楼」を襲名。岡本マキ賞や第71回文化庁芸術祭新人賞を受賞。古典落語はもとより、近年は新作落語やロシアの作家チェーホフの作品を翻案し落語化。日本国内のみならず、英語による落語をアメリカやカナダなどでも公演。テレビ「笑点」「NHK桂文珍の演芸図鑑」「アド街ック天国」他、出演多数。映画「グッドモーニングショー」「落語物語」、舞台「柳家東三楼一座公演」他多数。